Sunday, June 30, 2024 Guest Speaker "Living By Faith" (Hebrews 11) Speaker Stuart Kelly Whatever stage you're in, we are called to live by faith. God wants us to come to trust Him because ... Scripture: Hebrews 11
Sunday, October 29, 2023 Are Aliens Real? Speaker Chet Bergeron We must know that aliens are demons and the only protection is through a faithful walk with Jesus. T... Scripture: Acts 16:16
Sunday, August 27, 2023 Revelation "The Majesty and Glory of the Warrior Lamb, King Jesus" (Revelation 12) Speaker Chet Bergeron We must cling to Jesus during opposition, for this is the only path to victory. You have a target on... Scripture: Revelation 12
Sunday, June 25, 2023 Revelation "The Majesty and Glory of the Warrior Lamb, King Jesus" (Revelation 6:9-17) Speaker Chet Bergeron A day is coming when the Lord will pour out His wrath upon mankind; until then, believers are called... Scripture: Revelation 6:9-17
Sunday, May 07, 2023 Revelation "The Majesty and Glory of the Warrior Lamb, King Jesus" (Revelation 3:7-13) Speaker Chet Bergeron The church in Philadelphia, no matter how small and insignificant, was faithful to Jesus, the gospel... Scripture: Revelation 3:7-13
Sunday, April 23, 2023 Revelation "The Majesty and the Glory of the Warrior Lamb, King Jesus" (Revelation 2:18-29) Speaker Chet Bergeron The church that tolerates false teaching and corrupt morality will receive judgment, while those who... Scripture: Revelation 2:18-29
Sunday, April 16, 2023 Revelation "The Majesty and Glory of the Warrior Lamb, King Jesus" (Revelation 2:12-17) Speaker Chet Bergeron Believers and churches are tempted to compromise both theologically and ethically; however, true fol... Scripture: Revelation 2:12-17
Sunday, February 12, 2023 Acts "If You Are Faithful With the Gospel..." (Acts 24) Speaker Chet Bergeron Paul was obedient to share no matter what the cost. His hope did not rest in himself or his abilitie... Scripture: Acts 24
Sunday, July 03, 2022 Acts Apparent Contrast (Acts 5:12-42) Speaker Chet Bergeron The apostles obeyed God by preaching the name of Jesus and rejoiced when they were persecuted. We ar... Scripture: Acts 5:12-42