Sunday, April 14, 2024 Acts God Is Not Done! (Acts 15) Speaker Chet Bergeron Our past mistakes do not have to determine our God-planned purpose. God is constantly working in us ... Scripture: Acts 15
Sunday, February 26, 2023 Acts "Only By Your Power, Oh God" (Acts 25-28) Speaker Chet Bergeron Paul appeared to Ceasar, and he faithfully persevered through difficult times, knowing that God is f... Scripture: Acts 25-28
Sunday, February 12, 2023 Acts "If You Are Faithful With the Gospel..." (Acts 24) Speaker Chet Bergeron Paul was obedient to share no matter what the cost. His hope did not rest in himself or his abilitie... Scripture: Acts 24
Sunday, February 05, 2023 Acts "How Does God Use My Past For His Glory?" (Acts 21-23) Speaker Chet Bergeron God used Paul's past to make His word go forth, and others heard about salvation in Jesus Christ. Go... Scripture: Acts 21-23
Sunday, January 29, 2023 Acts "What Value Is My Own Life?" (Acts 20) Speaker Chet Bergeron Paul reminded the elders that testifying to the gospel of God's grace is far more important than his... Scripture: Acts 20
Sunday, January 22, 2023 Acts "How Do I Know If There Are Idols In My Life?" (Acts 19:21-41) Speaker Chet Bergeron Paul preached the gospel in Ephesus, exposing people's idols and stirring up anger and confusion in ... Scripture: Acts 19:21-41
Sunday, January 15, 2023 Acts "Do I Have The Power of the Holy Spirit?" (Acts 19:1-20) Speaker Chet Bergeron Miracles happened through Paul because of the Holy Spirit; however, those who tried to heal without ... Scripture: Acts 19:1-20
Sunday, January 08, 2023 Acts Church, Be Comforted (Acts 18) Speaker Chet Bergeron God gave Paul comfort and confirmation through a vision so he wouldn’t stop sharing the resurrected ... Scripture: Acts 18
Sunday, January 01, 2023 Acts How To Reason Effectively (Acts 17) Speaker Chet Bergeron Paul reasoned that Jesus had to suffer. He reasoned with willing hearts in Berea. He also used to cu... Scripture: Acts 17
Sunday, November 20, 2022 Acts Praising Through the Storm (Acts 16) Speaker Chet Bergeron Prayer was a constant theme as Paul began this missionary journey, and so was praise in opposition a... Scripture: Acts 16